Monday, September 30, 2019

American Imperialism

During the Cold War, the world in general was a maniacal, paranoia-driven place to live in. Feelings of nationalism and inter-cultural isolation/conformity created rifts filled with fear between opposing nations, especially the two superpowers. The United States, as the juxtaposition to Soviet communists, sought to identify communism as a social evil, and a suppressor of both happiness and liberty.The resulting mentality following the period of global animosity triggered numerous instances of economic/cultural collapse, simply because the United States refused to acknowledge communism as an acceptable alternative to a democratic, capitalist society. In truth, the actions practiced by the United States are essentially reprehensible. Just to eliminate traces of the misconception that capitalism is the solution to world-suffering, one must recall the situation in Chile during the Cold War.When Augusto Pinochet came to power in 1973, a startling statistic is that the unemployment rate wa s an enviable, by today’s standards, 4. 3%. However, in 1983, after ten years of free-market modernization, unemployment reached 22%. Real wages declined by 40% under military rule. This reality solidifies the fact that although not a necessarily democratic government, the free-market/capitalist Chilean government, severely exacerbated the issue of poverty in Chile.Capitalism, a system consistent with democracy, failed. Miserably. The first point is that the United States’ concerns for the economic well-being of other countries was misplaced, believing that the only way is the American way. As a world power drunk with international influence, the United States forced its policies on nations that were doing well without being â€Å"saved†.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Second language anxiety Essay

In formal researches, foreign language anxiety has clearly been shown to have a negative effect on performance in the foreign language classroom (Aida, 1994; Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986; MacIntyre & Gardner, 1991). However, Sparks and Ganschow (1991) have argued to the contrary that, rather than affective factors such as motivation, anxiety or attitude, and foreign language learning are affected by the native language factors. Sparks, Ganschow and Javorsky (2000) contend that some sort of cognitive handicap is the cause of both low proficiency in a second language (L2 hereafter) and the accompanying anxiety. Anxiety in Speaking Public speaking anxiety is very common among both universities students and also the general population. It is a feeling of panic associated with physical sensations that are all too painfully familiar to those affected such as increased heart and breathing rates, increased adrenaline, over-rapid reactions, and a tension in the shoulder and neck area. Almost 20% of university students face the problem of public speaking anxiety (McCroskey, 1977). He also defined anxiety in broad-based as â€Å"an individual’s level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons†. The apprehension of speaking before a group of individuals remains a problem in the twenty-first century. According to Krannich (2004), the fear of delivering a speech or a presentation ranks as the number one fear among most people, including students as well as adults from many diverse backgrounds. Ayres, Hopt and Peterson (2000) referred communicati on or speaking anxiety related with the delivering of speech or the fear or anxiety associated with anticipating the delivery of a speech.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Moments of Truth in customer service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Moments of Truth in customer service - Essay Example Without customers, there is no business to speak of. Carlzon’s impressive marketing approach effectively brought out the company out of the red, from an $8 million loss in 1981 to a staggering $71 million profit in less than a year. More than taking risks in terms of grand expenditure for such a move, what really worked in this strategy was adopting a change internally instead of externally putting up a more sophisticated faà §ade.Carlzon realized the need to shift from an inward, production-oriented airline to a more customer-driven and service oriented company. People need more humanized service instead of a more technologically advanced aircraft to ride on. Carlton’s team closed gaps in customer service that caused the company to lose revenue from the customer’s defection to other airlines or from simply losing the trust and confidence of their customers. Gronroos (2001) identified common gaps between customer expectations and the perceptions of the actual se rvice delivery as management perception gap; translation gap in quality specs; service delivery gap, gaps in â€Å"promises† made in marketing; and overall gap between perceived service and expected service.In each gap, customer satisfaction hangs on a thread and if not filled immediately, the company stands to lose the customer who has the power to spread the word of his or her dissatisfaction to others who could be prospective customers.Moments of truth usually occur within encounters between customers and company staff. Thus, each member of the company should be thoroughly trained in the provision of quality customer service. Empowering the staff with the trust that they can use their better judgment in satisfying customers, they must be authorized with decision-making powers under various moment of truth situations with customers. Having knowledgeable, courteous and happy staff brings about happy and satisfied customers. These customers know that they are in good hands an d with efficient staff who are able to provide them with their needs, it is likely that their satisfaction will bring in more business. To take the advise of Nilsson, the person responsible for the resurrection of Scandic Hotels, decision-making power should be shared with sales and service-front-line workers â€Å"right at the customer level† (Goodman, 2000). Nilsson recommends a decentralized management

Friday, September 27, 2019

Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Question - Essay Example Among the knowledge hoped to be acquired by the student are engineering, technology, design, mechanics, mathematics and physics. This knowledge also encompass as many theoretical and practical areas as possible. Bearing the prestige of acquiring the above skills and knowledge comes with a number of responsibilities. As the adage goes, to whom much is given, much is expected. This means that the mechanical engineering graduate is expected to give back to society by exhibiting and appropriately applying the acquired skills and knowledge. In today’s contemporary society where technology revolves round almost all industries, the mechanical engineer is expected to apply his or her knowledge by incorporating advanced technology into solving some of the key problems and challenges that come with the basic functions and operations of mechanical parts of machines. More importantly are automobiles. As the mechanical engineering graduate apply the knowledge in the field, it is expected that certain core values would be exhibited along side the ordinary exhibition of skills and knowledge and these include values like recognition, achievement, independence, trust and cordial interpersonal

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Gang violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Gang violence - Research Paper Example ThÐ µrÐ µ is thÐ µ constÐ °nt dÐ µbÐ °tÐ µ thÐ µ simplÐ µ quÐ µstion whÐ °t is thÐ µ sociÐ °l problÐ µm. ThÐ µrÐ µ Ð °rÐ µ mÐ °ny diffÐ µrÐ µnt options thÐ °t Ð °rÐ µ Ð °nd cÐ °n bÐ µ rÐ µgÐ °rdÐ µd Ð °s thÐ µ sociÐ °l problÐ µm. SociÐ °l problÐ µm is thÐ °t thrÐ µÃ °tÐ µns vÐ °luÐ µs of sociÐ µty such Ð °s lÐ °w Ð °nd ordÐ µr sociÐ °l cohÐ µsion Ð °nd stÐ °bility of sociÐ °l institutions. HowÐ µvÐ µr somÐ µ of sociÐ °l conditions thÐ °t wÐ µ Ð °rÐ µ now ignorÐ µd it is quitÐ µ possiblÐ µ should bÐ µ sÐ µÃ µn Ð °s sociÐ °l problÐ µms in futurÐ µ. SimilÐ °rly somÐ µ of sociÐ °l mÐ µchÐ °nisms thÐ °t wÐ µ bÐ µliÐ µvÐ µ sociÐ °l problÐ µms Ð °rÐ µ not considÐ µrÐ µd in Ð µÃ °rliÐ µr timÐ µs. Methodology GÐ °ng is thÐ µ group of pÐ µoplÐ µ who through orgÐ °nizÐ °tion formÐ °tion Ð °nd Ð µstÐ °blishmÐ µnt of Ð °ssÐ µmbly shÐ °rÐ µ thÐ µ common idÐ µntity. CurrÐ µntly usÐ µd it usu Ð °lly mÐ µÃ °ns thÐ µ criminÐ °l orgÐ °nizÐ °tion or criminÐ °l bÐ °ckground. In Ð µÃ °rly usÐ µ word gÐ °ng rÐ µfÐ µrs to thÐ µ group of workÐ µrs. ... MÐ °ll of Ð mÐ µricÐ ° locÐ °tion is thÐ µ Ð µxÐ °mplÐ µ of how gÐ °ng violÐ µncÐ µ cÐ °n Ð µrupt Ð °nywhÐ µrÐ µ Ð °nd thÐ °t no pÐ °rt of sociÐ µty is immunÐ µ from this problÐ µm. Ð s trÐ °dÐ µ workÐ µr in this Ð °rticlÐ µ rÐ µÃ °ds: "You simply cÐ °n not bÐ µ sÐ °fÐ µ Ð °nywhÐ µrÐ µ. ЕvÐ µry timÐ µ you turn Ð °round somÐ µonÐ µ is rÐ µmovÐ µd or bÐ µÃ °tÐ µn or killÐ µd." Why Ð °rÐ µ Ð µvÐ µnts such Ð °s mÐ °ll shooting up so oftÐ µn? Why thÐ µsÐ µ trÐ °gÐ µdiÐ µs Ð °rÐ µ still occurring? WhÐ °t is motivÐ °tion for pÐ µoplÐ µ to Ð µngÐ °gÐ µ in such immorÐ °l Ð °nd criminÐ °l bÐ µhÐ °vior? PÐ µoplÐ µ who commit such crimÐ µs Ð °s murdÐ µr fit Ð µxÐ °ct stÐ µrÐ µotypÐ µ? (Rush 85–92) SuthÐ µrlÐ °nd thÐ µory of diffÐ µrÐ µntiÐ °l Ð °ssociÐ °tion cÐ °n hÐ µlp to providÐ µ thÐ µ Ð µxplÐ °nÐ °tion to Ð °bovÐ µ quÐ µstion. SuthÐ µrlÐ °nd Ð °rguÐ µs thÐ °t criminÐ °l bÐ µhÐ °vior is not inhÐ µritÐ µd but it is lÐ µÃ °rnÐ µd in sociÐ °l intÐ µrÐ °ctions. It's just thÐ µ coincidÐ µncÐ µ thÐ °t thÐ µsÐ µ suspÐ µcts in Ð °rticlÐ µ bÐ µst friÐ µnds Ð °nd both hÐ °vÐ µ rÐ µpÐ µÃ °tÐ µdly involvÐ µd in criminÐ °l bÐ µhÐ °vior. ThÐ µ pÐ µrpÐ µtrÐ °tors in this study Ð °rÐ µ dÐ µscribÐ µd Ð °s bÐ µst friÐ µnds who hÐ °vÐ µ thÐ µ long rÐ µpÐ µÃ °tÐ µd history of violÐ °tions of lÐ °w sincÐ µ 11 yÐ µÃ °rs. In Ð °pplying thÐ µory of diffÐ µrÐ µntiÐ °l Ð °ssociÐ °tion with this study it is no coincidÐ µncÐ µ thÐ °t two suspÐ µcts to Ð µngÐ °gÐ µ in sÐ °mÐ µ dÐ µviÐ °nt Ð °ctivitiÐ µs. Judging by thÐ µir intimÐ °tÐ µ connÐ µction with pÐ µÃ µr group such Ð °s gÐ °ngs thÐ µy hÐ °vÐ µ put thÐ µmsÐ µlvÐ µs in thÐ µ Ð µnvironmÐ µnt whÐ µrÐ µ it is Ð µÃ °sy to lÐ µÃ °rn to bÐ µcomÐ µ thÐ µ criminÐ °l. ThÐ µ fÐ °ct thÐ °t mÐ µmbÐ µrs of gÐ °ng Ð µngÐ °gÐ µ d in similÐ °r Ð °ctivitiÐ µs is thÐ µ mÐ °jor fÐ °ctor in Ð µxplÐ °ining why thÐ µsÐ µ commÐ µrciÐ °l shooting took

Opportunity Analysis of New Business Venture 03068 Essay

Opportunity Analysis of New Business Venture 03068 - Essay Example Where there are many competitors also, it should be able to present the idea of the business venture in a way that uniquely identifies untapped opportunities on the market (Oladeji, 2008). This is the basis for the report, where a new business venture is being critiqued for its viability as an innovative business idea. This is being done with the opportunity analysis approach where a feasibility study is being performed in the areas of self-analysis, venture description, market research, industrial analysis, technical feasibility, financial feasibility, scenario versions, and scalability analysis (Mambula, 2002). Once these areas are analysed, it will be able to conclude on the feasibility of the business idea and how innovative it is to succeed on the saturated market. The entrepreneur is considered an important authority and stakeholder for the introduction of any new business idea that becomes the basis of a venture creation. This is because the ideologies, motivation, vision, and inspiration of doing business are mostly dependent on the entrepreneur and what he or she brings onboard the new venture (Schaper, 2002). What is more, there are some core entrepreneurial qualities and competences that have been considered critical for the overall management of the venture (McMillan & Naughton, 2012). Based on the entrepreneurial behaviour theory, there are three major human capital requirements that may be assessed from the entrepreneur leading the idea of starting the new venture. These are general human capital, entrepreneurship specific human capital, and venture specific human capital (World Bank, 2010). The general human capital includes such qualities and requirements as education, managerial human capital, capabilities, and demographic control variables (Charles, 2002). The entrepreneurship specific human capital also includes entrepreneurial

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Global Degradation of Coral Reefs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Global Degradation of Coral Reefs - Essay Example Coral reefs are productive ecosystem and diverse habitats in the world because of their economic and social importance including food provision, tourism among others. There is a high rate of global degradation of coral reefs and these calls for their sustainable management. Their reduction has fueled the local and international communities to come up with approaches of monitoring coral reefs. Ecology involves the study of organisms in the environmental surroundings which require spatially accurate data given the distribution of spices. In the past manual and field observation methods were used to gather ecological information. These methods were labour intensive and time consuming. As a result, remote sensing became widely incorporated in the ecological duties because of its large coverage, cost effectiveness and accuracy. This called for the venture into new technologies to enable easy and faster access of remote sensed information in the management and monitoring of ecological spec ies. (Knight, D., E. LeDrew, et al. 1997). Coral ecosystem is one of the important habitats in the world. Coral reefs play a significant role in checking the amount of carbon dioxide in the sea. Without them regulating the level carbon dioxide in water could be difficult and many species on earth including human being could be at a high risk. Although, that is the current situation in the world because people have destroyed the reefs due to the level of impurities in the water bodies this has resulted in global warming. They are also a habitat to millions of fish species, source of employment, food provision, tourism attraction sites and protect the shores fro waves. In short they are source of livelihood to millions of people around the globe (Goodman, J. A., M. Velez-Reyes, et al. 2006).This paper addresses landscape remote sensing approaches of mapping coral reefs. Discussion By 2100 coral reefs will be degraded if no measures are taken. They only cover 2 percent of the total ocean area and annually they provide a home for almost 33 percent of thousands on marine species. As mentioned above, coral reefs are threatened by a number of factors. For example, coral diseases resulting from ruining the reefs, coral reefs can be in danger of water related coastal development as it is in the case in the Caribbean. (Gledhill, D. K., R. Wanninkhof, et al. 2008). As a result of a variety of biological species in the coral ecosystem, over fishing can also be harmful because they interact and depend on one another for food and competition. Harvesting of coral reefs can be classified into controllable, Malthusian-over fished and poisonus.Studies show that reduction of species in the coral ecosystem can lead to prolification of algae. (Manus, J. W., L. A. B. Menez, et al. 1999).In response to this damage a 5 year project was launched and it was funded by the centre for s ponsored coastal ocean research (CSCOR).The research key provisions were to provide adequate data on coral reefs, tool and approaches to help marine scientists and identify phenomena that caused the degradation of coral reefs. The research addressed four major areas namely; interaction between water related activities and coral reefs, causes of biological pressure, assessment of marine protected areas and the overall nature of coral ecosystem (Hallock, P., B. H. Lidz, et al. 2003). Researchers

Monday, September 23, 2019

BPPG Part I, Personal and Professional Ethics Essay

BPPG Part I, Personal and Professional Ethics - Essay Example This defines the act or process of guiding people towards a desired objective and can apply to the goal of ensuring ethics in a society. As a transformational leader, I can empower and motivate people around me to overcome challenges and to ensure ethical practices in their environments. I can empower the people, intellectually, by informing them of involved ethical issues in the business environment. I can also inform the people of possible consequences of unethical practices such as negative corporate image of an institution and possible harm to the surrounding community. Similarly, I can create awareness of possible secondary effects of unethical practices on the individuals and organizations. Such secondary effects emanate from the society. As a leader, in the approach, I can ensure that my business and related activities are ethical in order to set an example to other people for emulation. I can also advocate for my ethical policies among the people (Reilly, Sirgy and Gorman 94, 95). Consumerism is another approach that I can use to impact ethics on people around me. It refers to the act or process of safeguarding consumer’ interests and is fundamental to promoting ethics among organizations and their members. Under this strategy, I can draw the people’s attention to effects that their activities, at personal or organizational level, can have on the environment. I can also facilitate awareness of the benefits of preventing those consequences through responsible behavior. Similarly, I can research and report to the people about possible consequences of utilities from the environments and the cost of such consumptions on other people within the same environment. To those individuals who deal in production and distribution of goods, I can explain to them the categories of goods that are classified as necessities and explain the responsibility of ensuring that such commodities

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Othello by Lawrence Fishburne Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Othello by Lawrence Fishburne - Essay Example Through Iago, Shakespeare reveals his remarkable understanding of the human psyche. The villain's cold manipulation of the key players in the script like so many puppets on strings chills one to the bone. Iago uses the technique of psychological suggestion to bring about the downfall of Othello. All the characters are merely pawns in Iago's deadly mental game. Everyone calls him "Honest Iago" and no one is wise to the rot in his character. Outwardly Iago shuns violence and plays the peacemaker while in reality he is usually the catalyst responsible for setting off cataclysmic bouts of violence. He passionately refutes dark suspicions which nobody would have entertained if he had not suggested it in the first place. He exploits individual weaknesses, and appeals to the dark side in human nature skillfully undoing the restraining bonds of conscience and decency and finally unleashing the beast that is an integral part of every individual. In this manner Iago goes about bringing his mon strous plot to fruition and plays a direct role in the death of the lovers. Shakespeare's genius lies in his ability to use his understanding of human psychology in the creation of his perfect villain, Iago. It is this feat which raises the text to the lofty realms of brilliance. The work evoked myriad emotions in this writer, pity, anger and a grudging admiration for the machinations of the villainous Iago.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ohms Law Series-Parallel Circuits Calculation Essay Example for Free

Ohms Law Series-Parallel Circuits Calculation Essay To end up the discussion of Series-Parallel Circuits, I would like to post this last one remaining topic which is about Ohms Law of Series-Parallel Circuits for currents and voltages. I did not even mentioned in my previous topics on how to deal with its currents and voltages regarding this type of circuit connection. Ohms Law in Series-Parallel Circuits Ohms Law in Series-Parallel Circuits Current The total current of the series-parallel circuits depends on the total resistance offered by the circuit when connected across the voltage source. The current flow in the entire circuit and it will divide to flow through parallel branches. In case of parallel branch, the current is inversely proportional to the resistance of the branch that is the greater current flows through the least resistance and vice-versa. Then, the current will then sum up again after flowing in different circuit branch which is the same as the current source or total current. The total circuit current is the same at each end of a series-parallel circuit, and is equal to the current flow through the voltage source. Ohms Law in Series-Parallel Circuits Voltage The voltage drop across a series-parallel circuits also occur the same way as in series and parallel circuits. In series parts of the circuit, the voltage drop depends on the individual values of the resistors. In parallel parts of the circuit, the voltage across each branch are the same and carries a current depends on the individual values of the resistors. If in case of circuit below, the voltage of the series resistance forming a branch of the parallel circuit will divide the voltage across the parallel circuit. If in case of the single resistance in a parallel branch, the voltage across is the same as the sum of the voltages of the series  resistances. The sum of the voltage across R3 and R4 is the same   as the voltage across R2. Finally, the sum of the voltage drop across each paths between the two terminal of the series-parallel circuit is the same as the total voltage applied to the circuit. Lets have a very simple example of this calculation for this topic. Considering the circuit below with its given values, lets calculate the total current, current and voltage drop across each resistances. What is the total current, current and voltage across each resistances Here is the simple calculation of the circuit above: a. Calculate first the total resistance of the circuit: The equivalent resistance for R2 and R3 is: R2-3 = 25X50/ 25+50 = 16.67 ohms R total = 30 ohms + 16.67 ohms = 46.67 ohms b. Calculate the Total Current using Ohms Law: I1 = 120V / 46.67 Ohms = 2.57 Amp. Since R1 is in series connection, the total current is the same for that path. c. Calculating the voltage drop for R1: VR1 = 2.57 Amp x 30 ohms = 77.1 volts d. Calculate the voltage drop across R2 and R3. Since the equivalent resistance for R2 and R3 as calculated above is 16.67 ohms, we can now calculate the voltage across each branch. VR2 = VR3 = 2.57 Amp x 16.67 ohms = 42. 84 volts e. Finally, we can now calculate the individual current for R2 and R3: I2 = VR2 / R2 = 42.84 volts / 25 ohms = 1.71 Amp. I3 = VR3 / R3 = 42.84 volts / 50 ohms = 0.86 Amp. You may also check if the current in each path of the parallel branch are correct by adding its currents: I1 = I2 + I3 = 1.71 Amp + 0.86 Amp = 2.57 Amp. which is the same as calculated above. Therefore, we can say that our answer is correct.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ethical Situation in Healthcare

Ethical Situation in Healthcare Azmir Bin Abdul Latiff ENQUIRY 3 Discuss the situation described from the perspective of the health and human services professional. What would be the most appropriate response to the situation? Include in your answer the: ethical frameworks, theories and principles appropriate to responding to the scenario relevant professional codes of ethics and codes of practice relevant legislation and guidelines, statute and common law, government guidelines. cultural and community values related to the issue, and comment on what would be appropriate and inappropriate responses of the health professional to the situation. Case Study Three Dr Simons was the new Surgical Consultant at a large public hospital. He was trained in the USA, and came with a reputation for being very fierce. Dr Simons regularly yelled at other staff, in particular Nurses, if his requests were not immediately met. He justified that if â€Å"Chefs could yell at staff in a kitchen, where nobody’s life is at stake, he could yell at incompetence when it is a life and death situation†. Although the Nursing staff disliked Dr Simons, they continued to work with him as they felt intimidated. One nurse, Clare, worked in Recovery where she looked after patients directly after they had surgery. She noticed that a very large proportion of Dr Simons’ patients were in considerable pain after surgery, and several patients had adverse outcomes such as heavy bleeding from the surgical site. Clare was concerned about this, but was scared to report it for fear of reprisal from Dr Simons. Eventually she was so worried about the patients’ health she made an official complaint to the Hospital management. She was called in to the Director of Nursing and told that if she ever made trouble like that again, a reason would be found to not continue her employment. She was told that Dr Simons was a senior staff member, and she had no right to make complaints about his medical conduct as she was â€Å"only a Nurse†. What should Clare’s response be? As healthcare professionals, Nurse Clare and Doctor Simons are bound by or influenced by professional codes of practice and ethics, Hippocraticoaths, statutes and laws and government guidelines. Clare was being responsible and professional by reporting and making an official complaint to the hospital management as she was concerned for the health and well being of her patients. It is her responsibility to report any suspicions of malpractice or substandard care to the higher authority if the senior staff members do not investigate and take actions to mitigate the suspicions. Considering that most of Doctor Simon’s patients were in a lot of pain and were exhibiting signs of heavy bleeding at the surgical site, Clare did raised her concerns to the hospital management and may have had exposed him to medical malpractice in the process. Instead of investigating the issue, the hospital management threatened to discontinue her employment. The fact that Doctor Simon is protected by the senior staff members despite his incompetence and medical malpractice is disturbing. Health professionals have codes of practice and guidelines to abide by. The National law requires Clare to report to a government body, AHPRA , if registered health practitioner knows of another practitioner’s destructive actions. AHPRA is a government body that focuses on serious cases of substandard practice or conduct by practitioners, or serious cases of impairment. This is to safeguard patients and to reduce or prevent the risk of potential harm from a result of medical malpract ice, negligence or impairment. A mandatory notification requirement helps to prevent the public from being placed at risk of harm. This shows that Clare have the right to report Doctor Simon’s attitude and actions to AHPRA if the senior staff members do not take action against Doctor Simon after the reported incidents as Doctor Simon have behaved in a way that poses a serious risk to the public. Ethics refers to standards of behaviors which are the best possible act in the many situations and issues that are raised as concerns. Ethics are not based on science, law, religion, accepted social norm, or feelings. It is viewed as approaches or processes such as, the utilitarian approach, an approach that is the one that provides the most good or does the least harm. The Utilitarian Approach deals with penalty; it tries both to increase the good done and to reduce the harm done. The Rights Approach is the one that best protects and respects the moral rights of those affected. This approach starts from the belief that humans have a dignity based on their human nature and their ability to choose freely what they do with their lives. TheJustice Approach, the idea that all people should be treated equally and fairly. Each of the approaches helps us determine what standards of behavior can be considered ethical. As there are still problems with the mentioned approaches, not all healthc are professionals agree to the specific approaches or the same set of human and civil rights. An ethical framework based on the approaches is to first recognize the ethical issue. After that, the healthcare professional must gather all the facts pertaining to the issue. He/she then must learn more about the situation and lay down the options available before acting on it. Subsequently, the next step would be to evaluate alternative approaches like the Utilitarian approach, Rights approach or Justice approach that best fits the situation. After considering the suitable approach needed to tackle the situation, he/she must act on the decided options. The end result must be reflected and evaluated if need be for further improvements. As a healthcare professional, Doctor Simon is to abide by the Ethics that is in the best interest of his patients. This means that he must provide the best healthcare and at the same time, reduce the amount of harm done on his patients. In Clare’s perspective, she viewed Doctor Simon’s actions as most harmful to the patients as he had caused a lot of pain and bleeding to his patients’ surgical site. As he did not abide by the Ethics in Clare’s viewpoint, she has the right to report him to the higher authority to protect the patients. The practice of Doctor Simon who caused pain and heavy bleedings to his patients was accepted by his peers may be due to the ‘Bolam’ test where traditionally, doctors were not said to have breached their duty of care if they acted in accordance with a practice accepted by their peers: Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee (1957). As their peers were the ones who set the standard, substandard care and malpractice were more prominent during those times as long as the practice conducted is accepted by the rest. However, this soon changed because of an incident whereby a patient was left almost blind when the doctor had failed in informing her on the risk of sympathetic ophthalmia. In this case, there were two opposing sides in which one would inform the patient and another would not inform. Due to this, the law was changed and the standard was set not by peers but by the court instead. Based on the Professional code of Ethics and Conduct, Ethical Frameworks, Theories and Principles, and Law and Guidelines, Clare should report to AHPRA if the higher authorities did not take any actions against Doctor Simon. By reporting to AHPRA also on the culture of the higher authority in her hospital, Clare would be able to break the inappropriate culture that is similar to ‘Bolam’ test. By doing so, Clare would be able to help stop the substandard practices and minimize the potential harm on the patients while maximizing the healthcare system to its optimum capabilities. This way, the patients would be able to receive better care with a methodological and ethical approach. References Dhai, A. (2008). Understanding professionalism in health care in the twenty first century.SADJ, 63, 174, 176-7 Faunce, T., Shat, K., Adams, C. (2008). Health the law. : Hot topics (Sydney, N.S.W.); no. 64. Retrieved on 30/5/2014 from: M.Velasquez, D. Moberg, M. J. Meyer, T. Shanks, M. R. McLean, D. DeCosse, Claire Andre and Kirk O. Hanson. A Framework for Thinking Ethically (May 2009) retrieved from:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Beerpong :: essays papers

Beerpong Beer pong is one of the most popular drinking games known to collegiate students across the country. This game is so often played in college life that most of the time, rules cannot be agreed upon because there are so many different versions. Everyone who plays the game knows a different set of rules, based upon what they had previously been taught. This paper will discuss not only how to play the game, but popular variations that I have come across while doing extensive and grueling research for this paper as well. In order to play beer pong, there are essential items you must have. First, you will need a Ping-Pong table, but any table around the same length will do. Then you will need twelve, sixteen-ounce cups, preferably the red ones that are frequently used at parties, as well as two Ping-Pong balls. Two additional cups filled with water will be useful to clean the balls after they hit the floor. However, this is an optional hygienic step not necessary to play the game, but one that is recommended. Oh, not to mention, the beer. I would suggest that there is a lot readily available, because it is common to go through it quickly in this game. After all of the necessary items are gathered, it is time to set up the game. First, pick two teams, made up of either one or two people. There should be even teams, but Canadian doubles are acceptable. A Canadian double is a team of two, verses a team of one. Then each team should take six cups and set them up in pyramid form on the far ends of the table making sure that the rims of the cups are touching each other. Once the cups are set, they should be filled with beer. A lite, cheap beer is probably the best due to the fact that it is economical and it will go down easier. In the version that I’m most familiar with, there are two full beers in each set of six cups, and you can fill these cups however you want. For example, if you wanted, you could put all the beer in the back three cups and very little in the front three. The front three are easier to hit, because they are closer to the person shooting, so if you put less beer in them, it would make the game harder for you r opponent.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Human Factors Issues of Glare :: Optometry Vision Glare Essays

Human Factors Issues of Glare The problem of glare affects all individuals. Although it is usually only a fleeting annoyance, glare can have grave consequences. For instance, problems caused by glare from computer screens account for 10 million optometrist examinations per year (Berman, 1998). There are two types of glare: discomfort glare and disability glare. The types of glare are distinguished by their origin. Discomfort glare comes from an external source; it is the physical sensation one experiences in the presence of a light source that is too bright. An example of discomfort glare is the experience of stepping outside on a bright day just after leaving a dark movie theater. Surfaces such as snow and sidewalks can cause discomfort glare (Ludt, 1997). Discomfort glare affects everyone. Disability glare, however, has an internal source. It is intrinsic to the individual due to aging or disease. Disability glare refers to intraocular scattering of light that interferes with normal visual functioning by decrea sing image contrast on the retina. These individuals have a debilitating sensitivity to high levels of illumination. Streetlamps, floodlights, and the sun are examples of everyday encounters that can induce, and require recovery time from, disability glare. The pervasive and insidious nature of glare demands additional research. This paper examines discomfort glare, disability glare, the reasons why they warrant further research, and the direction of this research. Because discomfort glare refers to reflection sources in the field of vision, the most simple way to guard against discomfort glare is to modify the environment. Some of the sources of discomfort glare are the sun, unshielded streetlamps, floodlights, computer screens, and parabolic luminaires. When the sun is low on the horizon, early in the morning and at dusk, discomfort glare peaks because the sunà ­s illumination is much brighter than other objects and these objects become difficult to see. (Ludt, 1997). Protective gear may be sufficient to counteract the overhead rays of the sun in between dusk and dawn. A remedy for discomfort glare caused by the sun is simply to wear a visor while outdoors. A brim that extends 3 inches forward should block light from entering the pupil. Sunglasses with yellow, orange, or red tinted lenses may decrease discomfort glare (Ludt, 1997). Unshielded streetlamps, or semi-cutoff luminaires, fail to make streets safer because their high-wattage bulbs shine light throughout the entire surrounding area. Full cutoff optics are a less bright and ultimately safer alternative.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Comparison of My Last Duchess and Porphyrias Lover Essays -- Robert

"My Last Duchess" is a poem about an arrogant and extremely powerful Duke who is describing his deceased Duchess. From the word "last" in the title it is implied that the duke has had more than one duchess. In this poem, the Duke is extremely egotistic. He says, "I choose never to stoop." The duchess would look at everyone in the world as being equal no matter what class they are. The duke however cannot do this. He is too worried about his appearance. "Porphyria's Lover" is a poem in which a man describes an evening in which his lover, Porphyria, visits him and he unexpectedly murders her. In this it is unlike "My Last Duchess" because Porphyria 'worships' her lover unlike the Duke From the title "My Last Duchess", we immediately learn that this is a personal poem to the duke. It is a love and murder poem. It is a dramatic monologue and is written as a single stanza. Both poems also have a silent listener. In 'My Last Duchess' the silent listener is the Ambassador for the Count, who is the father of the Duke's next bride whereas in 'Porphyria's Lover' the silent listener could be a number of people it could be a police officer, or he could just be telling the story to a friend. There is no evidence in the poem, which tells the reader who he is talking to. The tone in these poems is important as it acts as a contrast to the content of the poem. In "My Last Duchess", Browning uses a soft tone and describes the Duke having the Duchess killed subtly, " This grew; I gave commands;/ Then all smiles stopped together." Browning describes this without changing the tone. However in "Porphyria's Lover" the tone is normal and soft throughout the poem until the point in which the Lover murders Porphyria, "I... ...both of the characters kill their lovers. "She was mine, mine, fair,/ Perfectly pure and good". This is what the lover said before he killed Porphyria. He kills her because at that precise moment in time he has complete power and control over Porphyria and wants to preserve this. Browning uses a simile extremely effectively in "Porphyria's Lover" to describe the body of Porphyria. He says "As a shut bud that holds a bee". This gives the reader the image that her soul is still alive but her body is dead. The bud is shut and the bee is still alive inside of it. Overall, I found these poems both quite enjoyable to read. I enjoyed "My Last Duchess" less than I enjoyed "Porphyria's Lover". This is because the murder in "Porphyria's Lover" was so unexpected and a shock whereas in "My Last Duchess", it was written more subtly giving it less excitement.

Measuring a Nation’s Income

Chapter 23 Measuring a Nation's Income TRUE/FALSE 1. In years of economic contraction, firms throughout the economy increase their production of goods and services, employment rises, and jobs are easy to find. ANS:FDIF:1REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Economic expansionMSC:Definitional 2. Macroeconomic statistics include GDP, the inflation rate, the unemployment rate, retail sales, and the trade deficit. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:MacroeconomicsMSC:Definitional 3.Macroeconomic statistics tell us about a particular household, firm, or market. ANS:FDIF:1REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:MacroeconomicsMSC:Definitional 4. Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:MacroeconomicsMSC:Definitional 5. The goal of macroeconomics is to explain the economic changes that affect many households, firms, and markets simultaneously. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:MacroeconomicsMSC:Definitional . Microeconomics and macroeconomics are closely linked. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Microeconomics | MacroeconomicsMSC:Definitional 7. The basic tools of supply and demand are as central to macroeconomic analysis as they are to microeconomic analysis. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Demand | SupplyMSC:Definitional 8. GDP is the most closely watched economic statistic because it is thought to be the best single measure of a society’s economic well-being. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-0NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Definitional 9. GDP can measure either the total income of everyone in the economy or the total e xpenditure on the economy’s output of goods and services, but GDP cannot measure both at the same time. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 10. For an economy as a whole, income must exceed expenditure. ANS:FDIF:1REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Income | ExpenditureMSC:Definitional 11.An economy’s income is the same as its expenditure because every transaction has a buyer and a seller. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Income | ExpenditureMSC:Definitional 12. GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced by a country’s citizens in a given period of time. ANS:FDIF:1REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Definitional 13. GDP adds together many different kinds of products into a single measure of the value of economic act ivity by using market prices. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-2NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Definitional 14. U. S. GDP includes the market value of rental housing, but not the market value of owner-occupied housing. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 15. U. S. GDP excludes the production of most illegal goods. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 16. U. S. GDP includes estimates of the value of items that are produced and consumed at home, such as housework and car maintenance. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-2NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 17. GDP includes only the value of final goods because the value of intermediate goods is already included in the prices of the final goods. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of ec onomics TOP:GDP | Intermediate goodsMSC:Definitional 18. Additions to inventory subtract from GDP, and when the goods in inventory are later used or sold, the reductions in inventory add to GDP. ANS:FDIF:1REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP | InventoryMSC:Definitional 9. While GDP includes tangible goods such as books and bug spray, it excludes intangible services such as the services provided by teachers and exterminators. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 20. At a rummage sale, you buy two old books and an old rocking chair; your spending on these items is not included in current GDP. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 21. When an American doctor opens a practice in Bermuda, his production there is part of U.S. GDP. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definit ions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 22. If the U. S. government reports that GDP in the third quarter was $12 trillion at an annual rate, then the amount of income and expenditure during quarter three was $3 trillion. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 23. The government computes measures of income other than GDP because these other measures usually tell different stories about overall economic conditions.ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP | IncomeMSC:Interpretive 24. Expenditures by households on education are included in the consumption component of GDP. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-3 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:ConsumptionMSC:Interpretive 25. Most goods whose purchases are included in the investment component of GDP are used to produce other goods. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-3 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and d efinitions of economics TOP:InvestmentMSC:Interpretive 26.New home construction is included in the consumption component of GDP. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-3 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:InvestmentMSC:Interpretive 27. Changes in inventory are included in the investment component of GDP. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-3 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:InvestmentMSC:Interpretive 28. The investment component of GDP refers to financial investment in stocks and bonds. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-3 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:InvestmentMSC:Interpretive 29.The government purchases component of GDP includes salaries paid to soldiers but not Social Security benefits paid to the elderly. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-3 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Government purchasesMSC:Interpretive 30. If the value of an economy’s imports exceeds the value of that economy’s exports, then net exports is a negative number. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-3 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Net exportsMSC:Interpretive 31. If someone in the United States buys a surfboard produced in Australia, then that purchase is included in both the consumption component of U.S. GDP and the net exports component of U. S. GDP. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-3 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Consumption | Net exportsMSC:Applicative 32. If consumption is $4000, exports are $300, government purchases are $1000, imports are $400, and investment is $800, then GDP is $5700. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-3 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 33. If exports are $500, GDP is $8000, government purchases are $1200, imports are $700, and investment is $800, then consumption is $6200. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-3NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:ConsumptionMSC:Appli cative 34. If consumption is $1800, GDP is $4300, government purchases are $1000, imports are $700, and investment is $1200, then exports are $300. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-3 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:ExportsMSC:Applicative 35. U. S. GDP was almost $14 billion in 2007. ANS:FDIF:1REF:23-3 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Definitional 36. In 2007, government purchases was the largest component of U. S. GDP. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-3NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 37. If total spending rises from one year to the next, then the economy must be producing a larger output of goods and services. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 38. An increase in nominal U. S. GDP necessarily implies that the United States is producing a larger output of goods and services. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-4 NAT :AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Nominal GDPMSC:Interpretive 39.Nominal GDP uses constant base-year prices to place a value on the economy’s production of goods and services, while real GDP uses current prices to place a value on the economy’s production of goods and services. ANS:FDIF:1REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Nominal GDP | Real GDPMSC:Definitional 40. Real GDP evaluates current production using prices that are fixed at past levels and therefore shows how the economy’s overall production of goods and services changes over time. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Real GDPMSC:Definitional 1. The term real GDP refers to a country’s actual GDP as opposed to its estimated GDP. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Real GDPMSC:Interpretive 42. Changes in real GDP reflect only changes in the amounts being produced. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Real GDPMSC:Definitional 43. Real GDP is a better gauge of economic well-being than is nominal GDP. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Nominal GDP | Real GDPMSC:Definitional 44.Changes in the GDP deflator reflect only changes in the prices of goods and services. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP deflatorMSC:Interpretive 45. If nominal GDP is $10,000 and real GDP is $8,000, then the GDP deflator is 125. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP deflatorMSC:Applicative 46. If nominal GDP is $12,000 and the GDP deflator is 80, then real GDP is $15,000. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Real GDPMSC:Applicative 7. Economist s use the term inflation to describe a situation in which the economy’s overall production level is rising. ANS:FDIF:1REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:Unemployment and inflationTOP:Inflation MSC:Definitional 48. If the GDP deflator in 2006 was 160 and the GDP deflator in 2007 was 180, then the inflation rate in 2007 was 12. 5%. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:Unemployment and inflationTOP:Inflation rate MSC:Applicative 49. If the GDP deflator in 2004 was 150 and the GDP deflator in 2005 was 120, then the inflation rate in 2005 was 25%. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-4NAT:AnalyticLOC:Unemployment and inflationTOP:Inflation rate MSC:Applicative 50. The GDP deflator can be used to take inflation out of nominal GDP. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP deflatorMSC:Definitional 51. In 2004, the level of U. S. real GDP was close to four times its 1965 level. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Real GDPMSC:Definitional 52. The output of goods and services produced in the United States has grown on average 3. 2 percent per year. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-4NAT:AnalyticLOC:Productivity and growthTOP:Growth MSC:Definitional 53. Periods during which real GDP rises are called recessions. ANS:FDIF:1REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:RecessionsMSC:Definitional 54. Recessions are associated with lower incomes, rising unemployment, and falling profits. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-4 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:RecessionsMSC:Definitional 55. If real GDP is higher in one country than in another, then we can be sure that the standard of living is higher in the country with the higher real GDP. ANS:FDIF:2REF:23-5NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Real GDP | Standard of livingMSC:Interpretive 56. Real GDP per person tells us the income and expenditure of the average person in th e economy. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-5 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Real GDP per personMSC:Definitional 57. GDP does not directly measure those things that make life worthwhile, but it does measure our ability to obtain many of the inputs into a worthwhile life. ANS:TDIF:1REF:23-5 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Definitional 58.GDP does not make adjustments for leisure time, environmental quality, or volunteer work. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-5 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 59. Other things equal, in countries with higher levels of real GDP per person, life expectancy and literacy rates are higher than in countries with lower levels of real GDP per person. ANS:TDIF:2REF:23-5 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive SHORT ANSWER 1. GDP is defined as the market value of all final goods and services produ ced within a country in a given period of time.In spite of this definition, some production is left out of GDP. Explain why some final goods and services are not included. ANS: GDP excludes some products because they are so difficult to measure. These products include services performed by individuals for themselves and their families, and most goods that are produced and consumed at home and, therefore, never enter the marketplace. In addition, illegal products are not included in GDP even if they can be measured because, by society's definition, they are bads, not goods.DIF:2REF:23-2NAT:Analytic LOC:The study of economics and definitions of economicsTOP:GDP MSC:Interpretive 2. Explain why it is the case that the value of intermediate goods produced and sold during the year is not included directly as part of GDP, but the value of intermediate goods produced and not sold is included directly as part of GDP. ANS: Intermediate goods produced and sold during the year are not included separately as part of GDP because the value of those goods is included in the value of the final goods produced from them.If the intermediate good is produced but not sold during the year, its value is included as inventory investment for the year in which it was produced. If inventory investment was not included as part of GDP, true production would be underestimated for the year the intermediate good went into inventory, and overestimated for the year the intermediate good is used or sold. DIF:2REF:23-2NAT:Analytic LOC:The study of economics and definitions of economicsTOP:GDP | Intermediate goods MSC:Interpretive 3. Since it is counted as investment, why doesn't the purchase of earthmoving equipment from China by a U. S. orporation increase U. S. GDP? ANS: The purchase of foreign equipment is counted as investment, but GDP measures only the value of production within the geographic borders of the United States. In order to avoid including the value of the imported equipment, impo rts are subtracted from GDP. Hence, the value of the equipment in investment is canceled by subtracting its value as an import. DIF:2REF:23-3NAT:Analytic LOC:The study of economics and definitions of economicsTOP:GDP | Investment | Imports MSC:Applicative 4. Identify the immediate effect of each of the following events on U. S. GDP and its components. a. |James receives a Social Security check. | |b. |John buys an Italian sports car. | |c. |Henry buys domestically produced tools for his construction company. | ANS: |a. |Since this is a transfer payment, there is no change to GDP or to any of its components. | |b. |Consumption and imports will rise and cancel each other out so that there is no change in U. S. GDP. | |c. |This increases the investment component of GDP and so increases GDP. | DIF:2REF:23-3NAT:Analytic LOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP | Transfer payments | Net exports | InvestmentMSC:Applicative . Between 1929 and 1933, NNP measured in cur rent prices fell from $96 billion to $48 billion. Over the same period, the relevant price index fell from 100 to 75. |a. |What was the percentage decline in nominal NNP from 1929 to1933? | |b. |What was the percentage decline in real NNP from 1929 to 1933? Show your work. | ANS: |a. |NNP measured in current prices is nominal NNP. Nominal NNP fell from $96 billion to $48 billion, a decline of 50 percent. | |b. |Real NNP is nominal NNP divided by the price index and multiplied by 100. Real NNP in 1929 was ($96 b/100) [pic] 100 = $96 | | |b.Real NNP in 1933 was ($48 b/75) [pic] 100 = $64 b. Real NNP fell from $96 billion to $64 billion, a decline of 33 | | |percent. | DIF:2REF:23-4NAT:Analytic LOC:The study of economics and definitions of economicsTOP:Nominal NNP | Real NNP MSC:Applicative 6. You find that your paycheck for the year is higher this year than last. Does that mean that your real income has increased? Explain carefully. ANS: Real income is nominal income adjusted for gene ral increase in prices. If my paycheck is higher this year than last, my nominal income has increased.Whether my real income has increased or not depends on what has happened since last year to the level of prices of things I buy with my income. If the percentage increase in prices is less than the percentage increase in my nominal income, then my real income has increased. Otherwise, my real income has not increased. DIF:2REF:23-4NAT:Analytic LOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Nominal income | Real incomeMSC:Interpretive 7. U. S. real GDP is substantially higher today than it was 60 years ago. What does this tell us, and what does it not tell us, about the well-being of U.S. residents? ANS: Since this is in real terms, it tells us that the U. S. is able to make a lot more stuff than in the past. Some of the increase in real GDP is probably due to an increase in population, so we could say more if we knew what had happened to real GDP per person. Supposing t hat there was also an increase in real GDP per person, we can say that the standard of living has risen. Material things are an important part of well-being. Having sufficient amounts of things such as food, shelter, and clothing are fundamental to well-being.Other things such as security, a safe environment, access to safe water, access to medical care, justice, and freedom also matter. However, many of these things are more easily obtained by being able to produce more using fewer resources. Countries with higher real GDP per person tend to have longer life spans, less discrimination towards women, less child labor, and a higher rate of literacy. DIF:2REF:23-5NAT:Analytic LOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Real GDP | Economic welfareMSC:Interpretive Sec00 – Measuring a Nation's Income MULTIPLE CHOICE 1.Statistics that are of particular interest to macroeconomists |a. |are largely ignored by the media. | |b. |are widely reported by the media. | |c. | include the equilibrium prices of individual goods and services. | |d. |tell us about a particular household, firm, or market. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:MacroeconomicsMSC:Interpretive 2. Macroeconomists study |a. |the decisions of households and firms. | |b. |the interaction between households and firms. | |c. |economy-wide phenomena. | |d. |regulations on firms and unions. | ANS:CDIF:1REF:23-0NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:MacroeconomicsMSC:Definitional 3. Which of the following newspaper headlines is more closely related to what microeconomists study than to what macroeconomists study? |a. |Unemployment rate rises from 5 percent to 5. 5 percent. | |b. |Real GDP grows by 3. 1 percent in the third quarter. | |c. |Retail sales at stores show large gains. | |d. |The price of oranges rises after an early frost. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and defin itions of economics TOP:Microeconomics | MacroeconomicsMSC:Interpretive 4.Which of the following questions is more likely to be studied by a microeconomist than a macroeconomist? |a. |Why do prices in general rise by more in some countries than in others? | |b. |Why do wages differ across industries? | |c. |Why do production and income increase in some periods and not in others? | |d. |How rapidly is GDP currently increasing? | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Microeconomics | MacroeconomicsMSC:Interpretive 5. Which of the following topics are more likely to be studied by a macroeconomist than by a microeconomist? |a. the effect of taxes on the prices of airline tickets, the profitability of automobile-manufacturing firms, and | | |employment trends in the food-service industry | |b. |the price of beef, wage differences between genders, and antitrust laws | |c. |how consumers maximize utility, and how prices are established i n markets for agricultural products | |d. |the percentage of the labor force that is out of work, and differences in average income from country to country |ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Microeconomics | MacroeconomicsMSC:Interpretive 6. We would expect a macroeconomist, as opposed to a microeconomist, to be particularly interested in |a. |explaining how economic changes affect prices of particular goods. | |b. |devising policies to deal with market failures such as externalities and market power. | |c. |devising policies to promote low inflation. | |d. |identifying those markets that are competitive and those that are not competitive. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-0NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Microeconomics | MacroeconomicsMSC:Interpretive 7. Which of the following is not a question that macroeconomists address? |a. |Why is average income high in some countries while it is low in others? | |b. |Why does the price of oil rise when war erupts in the Middle East? | |c. |Why do production and employment expand in some years and contract in others? | |d. |Why do prices rise rapidly in some periods of time while they are more stable in other periods? | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-0NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:MacroeconomicsMSC:Interpretive 8. The basic tools of supply and demand are |a. |useful only in the analysis of economic behavior in individual markets. | |b. |useful in analyzing the overall economy, but not in analyzing individual markets. | |c. |central to microeconomic analysis, but seldom used in macroeconomic analysis. | |d. |central to macroeconomic analysis as well as to microeconomic analysis. | ANS:DDIF:1REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Demand | SupplyMSC:Definitional . Which of the following statistic is usually regarded as the best single measure of a society’s economic w ell-being? |a. |the unemployment rate | |b. |the inflation rate | |c. |gross domestic product | |d. |the trade deficit | ANS:CDIF:1REF:23-0 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:DefinitionalSec01 – Measuring a Nation's Income – The Economy's Income and Expenditure MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following statements about GDP is correct? |a. |GDP measures two things at once: the total income of everyone in the economy and the unemployment rate of the economy’s | | |labor force. | |b. |Money continuously flows from households to government and then back to households, and GDP measures this flow of money. | |c. |GDP is to a nation’s economy as household income is to a household. | |d. |All of the above are correct. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-1NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 2. Gross domestic product measures two things at once: |a. |the total spending of everyone in the economy and the total saving of everyone in the economy. | |b. |the total income of everyone in the economy and the total expenditure on the economy's output of goods and services. | |c. |the value of the economy's output of goods and services for domestic citizens and the value of the economy's output of | | |goods and services for the rest of the world. | |d. the total income of households in the economy and the total profit of firms in the economy. | ANS:BDIF:1REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Definitional 3. For an economy as a whole, |a. |wages must equal profit. | |b. |consumption must equal saving. | |c. |income must equal expenditure. | |d. |the number of buyers must equal the number of sellers. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Income | ExpenditureMSC:Interpretive 4. For an economy as a whole, income must equal expenditure because |a. the number of firms is equal to the number of households in an economy. | |b. |international law requires that income equal expenditure. | |c. |every dollar of spending by some buyer is a dollar of income for some seller. | |d. |every dollar of saving by some consumer is a dollar of spending by some other consumer. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Income | ExpenditureMSC:Interpretive 5. If an economy’s GDP rises, then it must be the case that the economy’s |a. |income rises and saving falls. | |b. |income and saving both rise. |c. |income rises and expenditure falls. | |d. |income and expenditure both rise. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Income | ExpenditureMSC:Interpretive 6. If an economy’s GDP falls, then it must be the case that the economy’s |a. |income falls and saving rises. | |b. |income and saving both fall. | |c. |income falls and expenditure rises . | |d. |income and expenditure both fall. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Income | ExpenditureMSC:Interpretive . Because every transaction has a buyer and a seller, |a. |GDP is more closely associated with an economy’s income than it is with an economy’s expenditure. | |b. |every transaction contributes equally to an economy’s income and to its expenditure. | |c. |the number of firms must be equal to the number of households in a simple circular-flow diagram. | |d. |firms’ profits are necessarily zero in a simple circular-flow diagram. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Income | ExpenditureMSC:Interpretive 8.Which of the following statements about GDP is correct? |a. |GDP measures two things at once: the total income of everyone in the economy and the total expenditure on the economy’s | | |output of goods and services. | |b. |Mon ey continuously flows from households to firms and then back to households, and GDP measures this flow of money. | |c. |GDP is generally regarded as the best single measure of a society’s economic well-being. | |d. |All of the above are correct. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 9.In a simple circular-flow diagram, total income and total expenditure are |a. |never equal because total income always exceeds total expenditure. | |b. |seldom equal because of the ongoing changes in an economy’s unemployment rate. | |c. |equal only when one dollar is spent on goods for every dollar that is spent on services. | |d. |always equal because every transaction has a buyer and a seller. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:Understanding and applying economic models TOP:Circular-flow diagramMSC:Interpretive 10. In a simple circular-flow diagram, |a. |households spend all of their income. |b. |all goods and services are bought by households. | |c. |expenditures flow through the markets for goods and services, while income flows through the markets for the factors of | | |production. | |d. |All of the above are correct. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:Understanding and applying economic models TOP:Circular-flow diagramMSC:Interpretive 11. In a simple circular-flow diagram, firms use the money they get from a sale to |a. |pay wages to workers. | |b. |pay rent to landlords. | |c. |pay profit to the firms’ owners. | |d. |All of the above are correct. | ANS:DDIF:1REF:23-1NAT:AnalyticLOC:Understanding and applying economic models TOP:Circular-flow diagramMSC:Definitional 12. In the actual economy, households |a. |spend all of their income. | |b. |divide their income among spending, taxes, and saving. | |c. |buy all goods and services produced in the economy. | |d. |Both (a) and (c) are correct. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:Understanding and applying economic models TOP:C ircular-flow diagramMSC:Interpretive 13. In the actual economy, goods and services are purchased by |a. |households, but not firms or the government. | |b. |households and firms, but not the government. |c. |households and the government, but not firms. | |d. |households, firms, and the government. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-1 NAT:AnalyticLOC:Understanding and applying economic models TOP:Circular-flow diagramMSC:Interpretive Sec02 – Measuring a Nation's Income – The Measurement of Gross Domestic Product MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. GDP is defined as |a. |the market value of all goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. | |b. |the market value of all goods and services produced by the citizens of a country, regardless of where they are living, | | |in a given period of time. | |c. the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. | |d. |the market value of all final goods and services produced by the citiz ens of a country, regardless of where they are | | |living, in a given period of time. | ANS:CDIF:1REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Definitional 2. Gross domestic product is defined as |a. |the quantity of all final goods and services demanded within a country in a given period of time. | |b. |the quantity of all final goods and services supplied within a country in a given period of time. |c. |the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. | |d. |Both (a) and (b) are correct. | ANS:CDIF:1REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Definitional 3. To compute GDP, we |a. |add up the wages paid to all workers. | |b. |add up the costs of producing all final goods and services. | |c. |add up the market values of all final goods and services. | |d. |take the difference between the market values of all final goods and services and the co sts of producing those final | | |goods and services. ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 4. GDP adds together many different kinds of products into a single measure of the value of economic activity by using prices determined by |a. |banks. | |b. |economists. | |c. |the government. | |d. |markets. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 5. In order to include many different goods and services in an aggregate measure, GDP is computed using, primarily, |a. values of goods and services based on surveys of consumers. | |b. |market prices. | |c. |consumer and producer surpluses. | |d. |costs of producing goods and services. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 6. Gross domestic product adds together many different kinds of goods and services into a single measure of the value of economic activity. To do this, GDP makes use of |a. |market prices. | |b. |prices that government economists believe reflect the true value of goods and services to society. |c. |the assumption that quantities of goods and services produced are unchanged from year to year. | |d. |the assumption that prices of goods and services are unchanged from year to year. | ANS:ADIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 7. In computing GDP, market prices are used to value final goods and services because |a. |market prices do not change much over time, so it is easy to make comparisons between years. | |b. |market prices reflect the values of goods and services. | |c. if market prices are out of line with how people value goods, the government sets price ceilings and price floors. | |d. |None of the above is correct; market prices are not used in computing GDP. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economic s and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 8. If the price of a DVD player is three times the price of a CD player, then a DVD player contributes |a. |more than three times as much to GDP as does a CD player. | |b. |less than three times as much to GDP as does a CD player. | |c. |exactly three times as much to GDP as does a CD player. | |d. to GDP but a CD player does not contribute to GDP. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 9. Which of the following is correct? |a. |The market value of rental housing services is included in GDP, but the market value of owner-occupied housing services | | |is not. | |b. |The market value of owner-occupied housing services is included in GDP, but the market value of rental housing services | | |is not. | |c. |The market values of both owner-occupied housing services and rental housing services are included in GDP. | |d. Neither the market value of owner-occupied housing services nor the market value of rental housing services is included | | |in GDP. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 10. The value of the housing services provided by the economy's owner-occupied houses is |a. |included in GDP, and the estimated rental values of the houses are used to place a value on these housing services. | |b. |included in GDP, and the actual mortgage payments made on the houses are used to estimate the value of these rental | | |services. | |c. excluded from GDP since these services are not sold in any market. | |d. |excluded from GDP since the value of these housing services cannot be estimated with any degree of precision. | ANS:ADIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 11. Suppose an apartment complex converts to a condominium, so that the former renters are now owners of their housing units. Suppose further t hat a current estimate of the value of the condominium owners' housing services is the same as the rent they previously paid. What happens to GDP as a result of this conversion? a. |GDP necessarily increases. | |b. |GDP necessarily decreases. | |c. |GDP is unaffected because neither the rent nor the estimate of the value of housing services is included in GDP. | |d. |GDP is unaffected because previously the rent payments were included in GDP and now the rent payments are replaced in | | |GDP by the estimate of the value of housing services. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 12. James owns two houses. He rents one house to the Johnson family for $10,000 per year. He lives in the other house.If he were to rent the house in which he lives, he could earn $12,000 per year in rent by doing so. How much do the housing services provided by the two houses contribute to GDP? |a. |$0 | |b. |$10,000 | |c. |$12,000 | | d. |$22,000 | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 3. GDP excludes most items that are produced and sold illegally and most items that are produced and consumed at home because |a. |the quality of these items is not high enough to contribute value to GDP. | |b. |measuring them is so difficult. | |c. |the government wants to discourage the production and consumption of these items. | |d. |these items are not reported on income tax forms. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 14. Estimates of the values of which of the following non-market goods or services are included in GDP? |a. the value of unpaid housework | |b. |the value of vegetables and other foods that people grow in their gardens | |c. |the estimated rental value of owner-occupied homes | |d. |All of the above are included in GDP. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study o f economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 15. Over the last few decades, Americans have chosen to cook less at home and eat more at restaurants. This change in behavior, by itself, has |a. |reduced measured GDP. |b. |not affected measured GDP. | |c. |increased measured GDP only to the extent that the value of the restaurant meals exceeded the value of meals previously | | |cooked at home. | |d. |increased measured GDP by the full value of the restaurant meals. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 16. Over time, people have come to rely more on market-produced goods and less on goods that they produce for themselves. For example, busy people with high incomes, rather than cleaning their own houses, hire people to clean their houses.By itself, this change has |a. |caused measured GDP to fall. | |b. |not caused any change in measured GDP. | |c. |caused measured GDP to rise. | |d. |probably changed measured GDP, but in an uncertain direction; the direction of the change depends on the difference in | | |the quality of the cleaning that has resulted. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 17. Ralph pays someone to mow his lawn, while Mike mows his own lawn. Regarding these two practices, which of the following statements is correct? a. |Only Ralph’s payments are included in GDP. | |b. |Ralph’s payments as well as the estimated value of Mike’s mowing services are included in GDP. | |c. |Neither Ralph’s payments nor the estimated value of Mike's mowing services is included in GDP. | |d. |Ralph’s payments are definitely included in GDP, while the estimated value of Mike’s mowing services is included in GDP | | |only if Mike voluntarily provides his estimate of that value to the government. | ANS:ADIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definit ions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 18.If Susan switches from going to Speedy Lube for an oil change to changing the oil in her car herself, then GDP |a. |necessarily rises. | |b. |necessarily falls. | |c. |will be unaffected because the same service is produced in either case. | |d. |will be unaffected because car maintenance is not included in GDP. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 19. Which of the following is not included in GDP? |a. |carrots grown in your garden and eaten by your family | |b. carrots purchased at a farmer’s market and eaten by your family | |c. |carrots purchased at a grocery store and eaten by your family | |d. |More than one of the above is not included in GDP. | ANS:ADIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 20. A professional gambler moves from a state where gambling is illegal to a state where gambling is legal. Most of his income was, and continues to be, from gambling.His move |a. |necessarily raises GDP. | |b. |necessarily decreases GDP. | |c. |doesn't change GDP because gambling is never included in GDP. | |d. |doesn't change GDP because in either case his income is included. | ANS:ADIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 21. If a state made a previously-illegal activity, such as gambling or prostitution, legal, then, other things equal, GDP |a. |necessarily decreases. | |b. |necessarily increases. | |c. |doesn't change because both legal and illegal production are included in GDP. | |d. doesn't change because these activities are never included in GDP. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 22. Which of the following is included in GDP? |a. |medical marijuana purchased from a government-run pharmacy by a glaucoma patient | |b. |recreational ma rijuana purchased from a drug dealer by a college student | |c. |recreational marijuana produced and consumed by a man in his attic | |d. All of the above are included in GDP. | ANS:ADIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 23. Marijuana is an illegal good and broccoli is a legal good. Which of the following statements is true? |a. |Darin grows and sells marijuana to Lisa. When Darin and Lisa get married, GDP falls. | |b. |Darin grows and sells marijuana to Lisa. When Darin and Lisa get married, GDP rises. | |c. |Darin grows and sells broccoli to Lisa. When Darin and Lisa get married, GDP falls. | |d. |Darin grows and sells broccoli to Lisa. When Darin and Lisa get married, GDP rises. ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 24. Spots, Inc. produces ink and sells it to Write on Target, which makes pens. The ink produced by Spots, Inc. is called |a. |an inventory good. | |b. |a transitory good. | |c. |a preliminary good. | |d. |an intermediate good. | ANS:DDIF:1REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Intermediate goodsMSC:Definitional 25. Which of the following statements is correct? |a. |The value of intermediate goods is always included in GDP. | |b. The value of intermediate goods is included in GDP only if those goods were produced in the previous year. | |c. |The value of intermediate goods is included in GDP only if those goods are added to firms’ inventories to be used or | | |sold at a later date. | |d. |The value of intermediate goods is never included in GDP. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP | Intermediate goodsMSC:Interpretive 26. Grapes are |a. |always counted as an intermediate good. | |b. |counted as an intermediate good only if they are used to produce another good, such as wine. | |c. counted as an interm ediate good only if they are consumed. | |d. |counted as an intermediate good, whether they are used to produce another good or consumed. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Intermediate goodsMSC:Applicative 27. Gasoline is considered a final good if it is sold by a |a. |gasoline station to a bus company that operates a bus route between San Francisco and Los Angeles. | |b. |pipeline operator to a gasoline station in San Francisco. | |c. |gasoline station to a motorist in Los Angeles. | |d. |All of the above are correct. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:Intermediate goodsMSC:Applicative 28. A steel company sells some steel to a bicycle company for $150. The bicycle company uses the steel to produce a bicycle, which it sells for $250. Taken together, these two transactions contribute |a. |$150 to GDP. | |b. |$250 to GDP. | |c. |between $250 and $400 to GDP, depending on the profit earned by the bicycle company when it sold the bicycle. | |d. |$400 to GDP. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP | Intermediate goodsMSC:Applicative 9. Al’s Aluminum Company sells $1 million worth of aluminum to Shiny Foil Company, which uses the aluminum to make aluminum foil. Shiny Foil Company sells $4 million worth of aluminum foil to households. The transactions just described contribute how much to GDP? |a. |$1 million | |b. |$3 million | |c. |$4 million | |d. $5 million | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP | Intermediate goodsMSC:Applicative 30. One bag of flour is sold for $1. 00 to a bakery, which uses the flour to bake bread that is sold for $3. 00 to consumers. A second bag of flour is sold to a consumer in a grocery store for $2. 00. Taking these three transactions into account, what is the effect on GDP? |a. |GDP increases by $2. 00. | |b. |GDP increases by $3. 00. | |c. |GDP increases by $5. 00. | |d. |GDP increases by $6. 00. | ANS:CDIF:3REF:23-2NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP | Intermediate goodsMSC:Analytical 31. Suppose there are only two firms in an economy: Cowhide, Inc. produces leather and sells it to Couches, Inc. , which produces and sells leather furniture. With each $1,000 of leather that it buys from Cowhide, Inc. , Couches, Inc. produces a couch and sells it for $3,000. Neither firm had any inventory at the beginning of 2006. During that year, Cowhide produced enough leather for 20 couches. Couches, Inc. bought 80% of that leather for $16,000 and promised to buy the remaining 20% for $4,000 in 2007.Couches, Inc. produced 16 couches during 2006 and sold each one during that year for $3,000. What was the economy's GDP for the 2006? |a. |$48,000 | |b. |$52,000 | |c. |$64,000 | |d. |$68,000 | ANS:BDIF:3REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and def initions of economics TOP:GDP | Intermediate goodsMSC:Analytical 32.Suppose there are only two firms in an economy: Rolling Rawhide produces rawhide and sells it to Chewy Chomp, Inc. , which uses the rawhide to produce and sell dog chews. With each $2 of rawhide that it buys from Rolling Rawhide, Chewy Chomp, Inc. produces a dog chew and sells it for $5. Neither firm had any inventory at the beginning of 2007. During that year, Rolling Rawhide produced enough rawhide for 1000 dog chews. Chewy Chomp, Inc. bought 75% of that rawhide for $1500 and promised to buy the remaining 25% for $500 in 2008. Chewy Chomp, Inc. produced 750 dog chews during 2007 and sold each one during that year for $5.What was the economy's GDP for 2007? |a. |$3750 | |b. |$4250 | |c. |$5250 | |d. |$5750 | ANS:BDIF:3REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP | Intermediate goodsMSC:Analytical 33.In 2007, Corny Company grows and sells $2 million worth of corn to Tasty Cere al Company, which makes corn flakes. Tasty Cereal Company produces $6 million worth of corn flakes in 2007, with sales to households during the year of $4. 5 million. The unsold $1. 5 million worth of corn flakes remains in Tasty Cereal Company’s inventory at the end of 2007. The transactions just described contribute how much to GDP for 2007? |a. |$4. 5 million | |b. |$6 million | |c. |$6. million | |d. |$8 million | ANS:BDIF:3REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP | Intermediate goodsMSC:Analytical 34. The total sales of all firms in the economy for a year |a. |equals GDP for the year. | |b. |is larger than GDP for the year. | |c. |is smaller than GDP for the year. | |d. |Any of the above is possible. | ANS:BDIF:3REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDP | Intermediate goodsMSC:Analytical 35.Which of the following domestically produced items is not included in GDP? |a. |a bottle of sham poo | |b. |a hairdryer | |c. |a haircut | |d. |All of the above are included in GDP. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 36. Which of the following is not included in GDP? |a. |a can of bug spray | |b. the services of an exterminator | |c. |the honey produced and sold by a beekeeper | |d. |All of the above are included in GDP. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 37. Gross domestic product includes all |a. |legal and illegal goods, but it excludes all legal and illegal services. | |b. |legal and illegal goods and all legal and illegal services. |c. |legal goods and services, but it excludes illegal goods and services. | |d. |legal and illegal goods and legal services, but it excludes illegal services. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 38. Transactions invol ving items produced in the past, such as the sale of a 5-year-old automobile by a used car dealership or the purchase of an antique rocking chair by a person at a yard sale, are |a. |included in current GDP because GDP measures the value of all goods and services sold in the current year. | |b. included in current GDP but valued at their original prices. | |c. |not included in current GDP because GDP only measures the value of goods and services produced in the current year. | |d. |not included in current GDP because these items have no current value. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 39. Which of the following events would cause GDP for 2007 to increase? |a. |In February 2007, Amanda sells a 1996 Honda Accord to Isabella. | |b. |In February 2007, Amanda buys a ticket to visit a zoo in Florida. She visits the zoo in April 2007. |c. |In December 2007, Isabella eats onions that she harvested from her backyar d garden in October 2007. | |d. |All of the above are correct. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 40. Until recently, George lived in a home that was newly constructed in 2005. In 2005, he paid $200,000 for the brand new house. He sold the house in 2006 for $225,000. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the sale of the house? |a. |The 2006 sale increased 2006 GDP by $225,000 and had no effect on 2005 GDP. | |b. The 2006 sale increased 2006 GDP by $25,000 and had no effect on 2005 GDP. | |c. |The 2006 sale increased 2006 GDP by $225,000; furthermore, the 2006 sale caused 2005 GDP to be revised upward by | | |$25,000. | |d. |The 2006 sale affected neither 2005 GDP nor 2006 GDP. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 41. Tyler and Camille both live in Oklahoma. A new-car dealer in Oklahoma bought a new car from the manuf acturer for $18,000 and sold it to Tyler for $22,000. Later that year, Tyler sold the car to Camille for $17,000.By how much did these transactions contribute to U. S. GDP for the year? |a. |$18,000 | |b. |$22,000 | |c. |$39,000 | |d. |$57,000 | ANS:BDIF:3REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Analytical 42.Consider two cars manufactured by Chevrolet in 2007. During 2007, Chevrolet sells one of the two cars to Sean for $24,000. Later in the same year, Sean sells the car to Kati for $19,000. The second automobile, with a market value of $30,000, is unsold at the end of 2007 and it remains in Chevrolet’s inventory. The transactions just described contribute how much to GDP for 2007? |a. |$24,000 | |b. |$43,000 | |c. $54,000 | |d. |$73,000 | ANS:CDIF:3REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Analytical 43. Which of the following is included in U. S. GDP? |a. |the value of production b y an American working in Morocco | |b. |the value of production by a Moroccan working in the U. S. | |c. |Both (a) and (b) are correct. | |d. |Neither (a) nor (b) is correct. ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 44. Anna, a U. S. citizen, works only in Germany. The value she adds to production in Germany is included |a. |in both German GDP and U. S. GDP. | |b. |in German GDP, but it is not included in U. S. GDP. | |c. |in U. S. GDP, but it is not included in German GDP. | |d. |in neither German GDP nor U. S. GDP. | ANS:BDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 45. An American company operates a fast food restaurant in Romania.Which of the following statements is accurate? |a. |The value of the goods and services produced by the restaurant is included in both Romanian GDP and U. S. GDP. | |b. |One-half of the value of the goods and services produced by the restaurant is included in Romanian GDP, and the other | | |one-half of the value is included in U. S. GDP. | |c. |The value of the goods and services produced by the restaurant is included in Romanian GDP, but not in U. S. GDP. | |d. |The value of the goods and services produced by the restaurant is included in U. S. GDP, but not in Romanian GDP. ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 46. Quality Motors is a Japanese-owned company that produces automobiles; all of its automobiles are produced in American plants. In 2007, Quality Motors produced $20 million worth of automobiles, with $12 million in sales to Americans, $6 million in sales to Canadians, and $2 million worth of automobiles added to Quality Motors’ inventory. The transactions just described contribute how much to U. S. GDP for 2007? |a. |$12 million | |b. $14 million | |c. |$20 million | |d. |$34 million | ANS:CDIF:3REF:23-2 NAT:Analyti cLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Analytical 47. Which of the following items is included in U. S. GDP? |a. |goods produced by foreign citizens working in the United States | |b. the difference in the price of the sale of an existing home and its original purchase price | |c. |known illegal activities | |d. |None of the above is included in U. S. GDP. | ANS:ADIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 48. Which of the following items is included in U. S. GDP? |a. |final goods and services that are purchased by the U. S. federal government | |b. |intermediate goods that are produced in the U. S. ut that are unsold at the end of the GDP accounting period | |c. |goods and services produced by foreign citizens working in the U. S. | |d. |All of the above are included in U. S. GDP. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Interpretive 49. Which of the following items is included in U. S. GDP? |a. |the estimated value of production accomplished at home, such as backyard production of fruits and vegetables | |b. |the value of illegally-produced goods and services | |c. the value of cars and trucks produced in foreign countries and sold in the U. S. | |d. |None of the above is included in U. S. GDP. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 50. Which of the following is not included in U. S. GDP? |a. |unpaid cleaning and maintenance of houses | |b. |services such as those provided by lawyers and hair stylists | |c. the estimated rental value of owner-occupied housing | |d. |production of foreign citizens living in the United States | ANS:ADIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 51. Which of the following values would be included in U. S. GDP for 2006? |a. |the rent that John, an Amer ican citizen, would have paid on his home in New York in 2006 had he not owned that home | |b. the rent that Sarah, an American citizen, paid on her apartment in San Francisco in 2006 | |c. |the value of the legal services provided by Carlos, an attorney and a Mexican citizen, who lived in Houston and | | |practiced law there in 2006 | |d. |All of the above would be included in U. S. GDP for 2006. | ANS:DDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 52.Which of the following examples of production of goods and services would be included in U. S. GDP? |a. |Samantha, a Canadian citizen, grows sweet corn in Minnesota and sells it to a grocery store in Canada. | |b. |Ian, an American citizen, grows peaches for his family in the back yard of their Atlanta home. | |c. |Leo, an American citizen, grows marijuana in his Seattle home and sells it to his friends and neighbors. | |d. |None of the above examples of production would be in cluded in U. S. GDP. | ANS:ADIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 3. Which of the following transactions adds to U. S. GDP for 2006? |a. |In 2006, Ashley sells a car that she bought in 2002 to William for $5,000. | |b. |An American management consultant works in Mexico during the summer of 2006 and earns the equivalent of $30,000 during | | |that time. | |c. |When John and Jennifer were both single, they lived in separate apartments and each paid $750 in rent. John and | | |Jennifer got married in 2006 and they bought a house that, according to reliable estimates, could be rented for $1,600 | | |per month. | |d. |None of the above transactions adds to U.S. GDP for 2006. | ANS:CDIF:2REF:23-2 NAT:AnalyticLOC:The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP:GDPMSC:Applicative 54. Which of the following transactions adds to U. S. GDP for 2006? |a. |In 2006, Marvin Windows manufactures 20 windows that will eventual ly be installed in an office building in Minneapolis. | | |The windows remain in Marvin’s inventory at the end of 2006. | |b. |An Irish marketing consultant works in Boston during the summer of 2006 and earns $30,000 during that time. | |c.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Case of Ipt

A Case of IPT 1. How and where are platelets produced in the body? Platelets are produced in the bone marrow from very large bone marrow cells called megakaryocytes. As megakaryocytes develop into giant cells, they undergo a process of fragmentation that results in the release of over 1,000 platelets per megakaryocyte. 2. Describe the role played by platelets in hemostasis. Platelets maintain the endothelial surface. Loss of circulating platelets quickly results in changes in the endothelial cells of the capillaries.These changes cause intravascular material to leak into the capillary bed. Platelets initially arrest bleeding in severed blood vessels. Platelets provide phospholipids, which acts as the catalytic surface for initiation of the coagulation process that played by platelets in hemostasis. 3. Define thrombocytopenia and list the more common causes of this condition. Thrombocytopenia is a blood disease characterized by an abnormally low number of platelets in the bloodstream. Abnormal reductions in the number of platelets are caused when abnormalities occur in any of the following three processes: decreased platelet production by the bone marrow; increased trapping of platelets by the spleen; or a more rapid than normal destruction of platelets. People with this condition easily bruise and can have episodes of excess bleeding. 4. What are the potential consequences of a low platelet count? Your blood would not clot as well in the event of an injury, and you could bleed to death without medical intervention. . What drugs have been associated with the development of thrombocytopenia? Some of the drugs associated with the development of Thrombocytopenia are Sulfonylurea drugs, Benzodiazepines like Diazepam and Anti-epileptic drugs like Carbamazepine. 6. How is thrombocytopenia treated in individuals diagnosed with the condition? The type of treatment you get would depend on the severity of the case, but some of the possible treatments are blood or platelet transfusions, steroids, immunoglobulin, and a splenectomy. . How might removal of the spleen (splenectomy) result in an increase in the number of circulating platelets? The spleen is supposed to remove antibodies from RBCs, so without the production of antibodies, the number of platelets should increase. 8. What is Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)? ITP is a bleeding disorder where blood doesn’t clot as well as it should due to a low number of platelets. Source: National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science